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"Federal laws are in place to protect patients. Do not let a hospital or nursing home get away with negligence or malpractice."
Timing is important both medically and legally. Bedsores, also known as Pressure Sores or Decubitus Ulcers advance quickly. No matter where they may occur on a body they can lead to serious additional complications and even death. When bedsores are noticed it's vital that you get immediate medical attention.
Do Not Delay Being Legally Informed:
Time is of the essence legally as well. The nursing home or hospital may already be defending against a possible lawsuit before you or your lawyer even contacts them. Especially if they deem themselves culpable. Also, be aware that there are statutes of limitation as well.
You can call us for free at 212-268-8200 to discuss what may affect your case and limit or favor your potential of a large financial award for your pressure sores or bedsores.
For instance, if you did bring it to the attention of a medical professional, nurse, aide or nursing home administrator and they delayed addressing the issue it may help prove negligence. Or perhaps they even ignored your concern. Pay careful attention to their response. Whether malpractice or negligence, they may try and pass the buck and blame the patient or prior hospital stay. Be mindful that of statutes. Different states have different time frames to register a lawsuit. We can answer these questions for you with a free consultation.
A NURSING HOME OR HOSPITAL may also already be preparing defense of a lawsuit without your knowledge. The sooner we are on your side the better it is for your lawsuit.
Remember--the patient is the victim here. There are federal laws in place to protect them. Contacting an experienced Bedsore Law Firm, getting free information and finding out the monetary potential of your lawsuit is your first step to justice. You may even email us at
Call us today for more information and to see if you may have a lawsuit! FREE CONSULTATION.
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